ISSO was initially conceptualized and started its activities in 2009. It became a registered non-profit on February 1, 2013. Our history on development of this organization comes from experience and research data from numerous international students who chose to become Permanent Residents across Canada. The inference that we received from all these data produced an unbalanced state of condition for the newcomers. In order to react to this situation and promote equilibrium, we started carrying out activities in an informal manner to respond to these needs. Upon receiving great support and cooperation of international students, other newcomers and community, we thought about formalizing our activities to bridge this existing gap in the community and hence this organization.
The journey of international students and other newcomers, though easy as it may sound, bears with it a significant number of challenges especially to those who are not entirely prepared mentally, emotionally, physically, and most especially financially, before one can reach his/her ultimate goal of becoming a permanent resident of Canada.
Not everyone manages to traverse this journey successfully, and those who do, help in their own little way to support some international students and other newcomers, transition seamlessly to the Canadian workforce.
However, only few goes to great lengths to build a foundation that would create more tangible solutions that would address the difficulties faced not only by international students and other newcomers but to the vast minorities and vulnerable sectors of the society, and that is what ISSO is all about.
Founded by former international students themselves, ISSO takes to themselves the challenges of making significant contributions to the society and to give back to the country who have helped mold their dreams, transformed their lives, and empowered them to make a difference for the betterment of others.
We are dedicated to identify, assess and provide meaningful solutions to the problems faced by the international students and other newcomers through an effective networking system thereby promoting holistic development of the community.
Every international student and newcomer who comes to Canada will find a way to be successful in his or her dreams.